John E. Runyard's Collection: Old Pirate Lane, Huntington Beach, Ca. |
Horses of Old Pirate Lane"
Supplement to Mom's Old Pirate Lane Book
Page 1
The Runyard's, 1961
Welcome to Horse Country!
I'm on the white pony
"Sugar". It would bite me, kick me, and step on me. Not my favorite.
The 1960's on Old Pirate was a
time of house building, kids and horses.
( and milk bottles on the porch,
from Ed's Dairy! )
Horses were everywhere. Local families, Runyard's, Tovatt's, Picard's, Son's,
Marino's, and on the other side of the grove, The Stellrecht's had horses.
This Photo: 4-H horse group in the staging area, Runyard's backyard. Pop Runyard
Horse Leader,
and brother Bruce on his horse "Duke". Sorry I don't have the other
names... Larry Pomada?
Maybe my brother will remember some names...
Kathy Stellrecht heads out on the ride with the 4-H group. About 1965.
My dear friend, Kim Son with her Dad, Keith.
This spot now occupies 5412 Old Pirate Lane. Technically, Old Pirate Drive now
after our
thoughtful city members decided all East/West "Lanes" will now be
called "Drive". Go figure.
I think we'll call this the
"OPL Gang"
Left: I believe is Liz Picard, next Susan Tovatt, followed by someone, then Kim
Son and someone.
This is behind Son's house on the Meadowlark Airport East/West runway, not the
main L16.
Whoa! Well at least she stays on. Gotta have some fun!
And she's off!