Old Pirate Lane & Graham Street, Huntington Beach

"The Goldens planted six banana trees on the edge of their property so that our view of the oncoming traffic was blocked. 
Our sons, I'm told with help from Van Steverson, cut six of the leaves so we would be able to see the street a little better. 
Of course we were sued."

This early photo from the mid 1960's showing how the banana trees started growing, I remember them getting much thicker
and harder to see through as the years went on.
Note, no fence lining the golf course property and the old entrance to the parking lot. 
They were tall columns made of brick.  Our mailboxes would have been to the left, On the East side of Graham St. 
And you can tell our lane, by all the potholes :~) 




Updated: 08/28/2012